Is THIS really GOODBYE???

Before this, I loved someone and until now, it still someone...

I'm trying hard...Aku ingatkan senang sangat nak lupakan seseorang bila kita jatuh cinta, lagi-lagi jatuh cinta pandangan pertama je...Aku nak lupakan dia mengambil masa 5 tahun gak la...tu pun, ingat-ingat lupa camtu....tapi sejak beberapa minggu yang lepas...sejak birthday dy, aku teringat balik kat dia...dalam keadaan aku yang memang stress and teringat plak zaman-zaman sekolah dulu...memang agak sedih la...T.T. Kawan kot...sejak 5 tahun yang lalu la, skrg x contact dh...sebab dy dah ada GF aku tak tahu la sekarang...tak kesah la dengan siapapun,  hope dia happy je...

[p/s tuk dy]: awk, sorry tw, sbb orang still lagi cam dulu...

Where did you go? It's you who just passed me by and then left?
Are you OK?Though, I'm not OK without you by my side...
Hoping you'll come back in my daily life, as the times started once I've waited for you...
Should I let you go now???Should I forget you now???
Should I stop waiting for you?
My days were so beautiful when I'm knowing you.
The tears I shed when I need you.
The beating of heart when I think of you.
I think I went crazy...crazy thinking and caring all about you...
Should I turn back???Should I say GOODBYE...???

Inspiration: Song by M to M (This is really Goodbye) 안녕정말안녕

I really can't say the 3rd one...


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